Evaluation System

The article to be published in the journal must be original, based on the outcomes coming from the author(s) research, must not contain plagiarism and not be published in the form presented. Each article will be peer-reviewed by two independent experts (reviewers) of the relevant field whose identities are confidential. The article will be evaluated by a maximum of 100 points. A positive review is given if the reviewer evaluates the paper with at least 60 points according to the evaluation form. The article will be recommended for publication if both of the reviewers rate the paper positively. The Editorial Board makes the final decision on publication. If the reviewer makes any comments and instructions, the Editorial Board offers the author to take the existing recommendations into account or justify his/her position. In case of approval, the author brings the paper into compliance with the submitted recommendations within a maximum of 2 weeks. After receiving the revised version of the text, the article will be re-reviewed by the Editorial Board within the deadline provided by the publishing procedure. Based on the consultation with the members of the Editorial Board of the relevant field and the opinion of the reviewers, the editor-in-chief makes the decision to publish the article in the journal.

Article review for the journal “Defence and Science”
Year/month/day _____
Title of the article _____

Assessment Criteria:

Criteria Points - 100
Relevance of the topic (0-20)
Relevance of findings regarding the goals and objectives (0-20)
The level of scientific novelty of the research outcomes (0-20)
Theoretical, applied and practical significance of the research (0-20)
Text structure and academic citation style (0-20)

Comments and recommendations (as needed):
Conclusion of a reviewer
1.The article meets the requirements so that it can be published.
2. The article needs some corrections to be made.
3.The article fails to meet the requirements.

Name/surname of the reviewer
Signature, academic degree, mobile:

*Information about the reviewer is confidential.