
  • Tinatin Kropadze


საკვანძო სიტყვები:

Professional occupation, professional, military science, obligation, responsibility, decision


The present article deals with military science as one of the professional occupations that we will meet today in the list of future activities presented to young people. The article aims at answering the questions such as: What is military science as a profession? Why should a young man serve in military service? When is a military serviceman deemed to be a professional? In general, what should be done by the state and the Ministry of Defense as well as society to develop a person into a professional military serviceman, etc.

For these purposes, the paper provides the definitions of terms such as line of profession, professional, traditional and modern professional occupations, professional military service, necessary personal characteristics, etc.

Additional emphasis on the definitions of concepts was conditioned by the progress of our life, which resulted in the expansion of the employment area and the creation of new professions. Therefore, over the last century, all this has led to a significant expansion of scientific terms, including the words denoting professional occupations and similar activities related to it.

In addition, the paper deals with the rights, duties, professional obligations, basic values and credits of a military serviceman as well as those motivational influences that will push him/her to do his/her best beyond the call of duty and by putting his/her own life at risk he/she will be able to save others. The behavior of a military serviceman is further strengthened by the legislation that regulates the engagement of Defence Forces in the so-called "hot points" during an emergency situation and/or a state of war in order to protect the country and its population. These and other facts give us the right to classify military service under risky professions.

In the work presented by me, you will meet the personal characteristics necessary for a military serviceman to receive an appropriate education, to advance in his/her military career, and to go through a difficult and stressful professional path. Unfortunately, not so rarely, the society does not quite understand the responsibilities and obligations of a military serviceman. On the other hand, at the beginning of the professional path, the individual understands and analyzes quite well that in general, it is the values and credits of both the defence system and the armed forces that make the military science more dignified, attractive and great as a professional occupation leading the true military serviceman to be a real professional of his/her activity.





