თავდაცვა და მეცნიერება2024-12-24T13:11:41+04:00Open Journal Systems<p>„თავდაცვა და მეცნიერება“ არის ღია წვდომის სამეცნიერო ჟურნალი, რომელიც ქვეყნდება ყოველწლიურად ინგლისურ ენაზე სსიპ - დავით აღმაშენებლის სახელობის საქართველოს ეროვნული თავდაცვის აკადემიის მიერ. ის მოწოდებულია გამოაქვეყნოს რეცენზირებული სტატიები, რომლებსაც მნიშვნელოვანი წვლილი შეაქვთ, როგორც თავდაცვის და უსაფრთხოების სფეროში, ასევე მეცნიერების სხვადასხვა დარგებში, როგორიცაა სოციალური, ჰუმანიტარული, ზუსტი და საბუნებისმეტყველო მიმართულებები და ა.შ. ჟურნალი არის ინტერდისციპლინარული და საერთაშორისო თავისი აუდიენციისა და ავტორებისათვის. „თავდაცვისა და მეცნიერების“ ჟურნალის მიზანია ხელი შეუწყოს მრავალფეროვან და სანდო სამეცნიერო კვლევებს, ასევე მათ გავრცელებას სხვადასხვა მიდგომებისა და მეთოდების დაცვით. </p> <p>ჟურნალს აქვს საერთაშორისო სტანდარტული სერიული ნომერი ელექტრონული (E-ISSN )და ბეჭდვითი სახით (ISSN) პერიოდული გამოცემებისათვის.</p> <p>ჟურნალში განთვსებულ თითიეულ ნაშრომს იდენტიფიცირებისათვის მინიჭებული აქვს უნიკალური კოდი DOI (Digital Object Identifier – ციფრული ობიექტის იდენტიფიკატორი).</p> <p>ჟურნალს „თავდაცვა და მეცნიერებას“ მინიჭებული აქვს ევრაზიის სამეცნიერო ჟურნალის ინდექსი (ESJI).</p> <p><strong>სამეცნიერო სტატიების გამოქვეყნება უფასოა, ხოლო ტექსტის განხილვასთან და მის რედაქტირებასთან დაკავშირებული ყველა ხარჯი ეკისრება სსიპ-დავით აღმაშენებლის სახელობის საქართველოს ეროვნული თავდაცვის აკადემიას</strong><strong>.</strong><strong> </strong> </p> CYBER DEFENSES - THE CRUCIAL ROLE OF PHISHING SIMULATION IN MODERN SECURITY STRATEGIES2024-12-24T10:39:21+04:00Avtandil Bichnigauribibliography@sciencelib.geIoseb Kartvelishvilibibliography@sciencelib.geOtar Shoniabibliography@sciencelib.geDaviti Bichnigauribibliography@sciencelib.geOtar<p>In today's digital landscape, the omnipresence of cyber threats, particularly phishing attacks, presents a critical challenge to organizations worldwide. Exploiting human vulnerabilities, these attacks bypass sophisticated security measures, making them a pressing concern for companies across industries. To mitigate these risks, organizations are increasingly turning to proactive strategies, such as phishing simulation. This article explores the evolving nature of cyber threats, the necessity for robust defenses in companies, and the pivotal role of phishing simulation in fortifying cybersecurity measures. It delves into the intricacies of phishing simulation, its implementation strategies, and its transformative impact on creating a more resilient security infrastructure.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 RELATIONS, STRATEGIES, SECURITY-RELATED PERCEPTIONS, CHALLENGES FACING GEORGIA2024-12-24T10:50:08+04:00Kakha Putkaradzebibliography@sciencelib.geNikholoz Kachidzebibliography@sciencelib.geIoseb<p>The study "Russian-Turkish relations, strategies, security-related perceptions, challenges facing Georgia" discusses the important aspects of the relationship between the two countries. The research focuses on the factors and circumstances that influence the relations between the two countries. The study highlights the economic, political, energy and security cooperation between the two countries. By using mutual cooperation on their common vision to increase the degree of political autonomy and lead a more effective foreign policy course. The research discusses Russian-Turkish geopolitical interests, as well as security-related challenges. Within the framework of the study, an important emphasis is placed on what specific factors determine the desire of the two countries to deepen the existing relations and how it will affect the security environment of Georgia. Within the framework of the study, the impact and consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war on the issues of the relationship between the two countries are also analyzed.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 LEARNING AND TEACHING2024-12-24T10:54:38+04:00Ketevan Chiabrishvilibibliography@sciencelib.geTinatin<p>During the pandemic, under the conditions of a developing economy and low technological development, the education sector became one of the most vulnerable sectors in Georgia. Due to the situation at hand, both general and higher educational institutions in Georgia faced a serious challenge. The choice was twofold: either the learning process had to stop, or it had to continue in a safe environment. To continue the educational process, by moving to online teaching was for two years the only option.</p> <p>The goal of our project is to evaluate the achievements, challenges, and outcomes in the transformative educational reality and offer recommendations to interested parties.<br>According to the research goal, the research objectives are:</p> <p>1. To study the opinions of the members of the community (administration members, professors, teachers, instructors, junkers) about the positive and negative aspects of teaching and learning management under the new reality;<br>2. To analyze these opinions;<br>3. Based on the analysis, to develop a set of recommendations for transformative learning and teaching.</p> <p>The research is conducted based on desk and field studies.</p> <p>As a result of the research: a) local and international experiences in the management of transformative education were studied; b) the opinions of the community members were defined regarding transformative learning and teaching; c) a recommended framework for transformative learning and teaching was created, which will be available to all parties interested in educational issues.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 IN POLITICS2024-12-24T11:30:02+04:00Kaltamze<p>Democracy means to understand the opinion of each person. Nowadays, to defend women’s rights and strive for equality are one of the biggest challenges of the modern world. The measurement of democracy is the involvement of women in a decision-making process and the quality of human rights’ defense. A little amount of women involvement in political life is equally characteristic of both experienced and relatively young democracies. General elective right won’t be able to provide a high level of women representation.</p> <p>Gender stereotypes make negative influence on the functioning of society. Its effectiveness is much more noticeable on post-soviet countries than on western liberal states. Women’s participation in politics is low and it should be improved to meet the requirements of international norms and standards of gender equality. Gender inequality hinders the development of individuals or the whole country, also society evolution and helps to create unfavorable environment for men and women. Society finds it difficult to accept the idea of gender equality, as it does not recognize the essence of the problem. The establishment of gender quota will make a significant contribution to ensuring gender equality, improving state mechanism, making decisions and integrating gender mainstreaming organically.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, SYNTHESIS AND PURIFICATION METHODSIN THE PROCESS OF UTILIZATION OF EXPIRED TNT2024-12-24T11:33:47+04:00Merab Nadirashvilibibliography@sciencelib.geNino<p>In the modern world, the scale of the use of explosives and explosion processes is immeasurable. Based on the current realities in Georgia, the study of the processes of utilization and recycling of expired TNT and other explosive substances released from ammunition is of great importance. The issue is doubly urgent, as these substances represent the greatest danger to the environment. Burning or destroying them is tantamount to an ecological disaster. For the same reason, keeping them for a long time is also dangerous. Instead, utilization will raise the prospect of recycling them into industrial explosives, which we consider the best way to solve the problem.</p> <p>There are several key processes to be carried out for the utilization of TNT: chemical analysis of TNT, its purification by crystallization, synthesis of CT compounds, inclusion of the synthesis process in the analysis.</p> <p>The article discusses a brief overview of the above processes, brings the results of our experiments in this direction, as well as brief conclusions.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 MILITARY SCIENCE BELONG TO A LINE OF PROFESSION?2024-12-24T11:37:50+04:00Tinatin<p>The present article deals with military science as one of the professional occupations that we will meet today in the list of future activities presented to young people. The article aims at answering the questions such as: What is military science as a profession? Why should a young man serve in military service? When is a military serviceman deemed to be a professional? In general, what should be done by the state and the Ministry of Defense as well as society to develop a person into a professional military serviceman, etc.</p> <p>For these purposes, the paper provides the definitions of terms such as line of profession, professional, traditional and modern professional occupations, professional military service, necessary personal characteristics, etc.</p> <p>Additional emphasis on the definitions of concepts was conditioned by the progress of our life, which resulted in the expansion of the employment area and the creation of new professions. Therefore, over the last century, all this has led to a significant expansion of scientific terms, including the words denoting professional occupations and similar activities related to it.</p> <p>In addition, the paper deals with the rights, duties, professional obligations, basic values and credits of a military serviceman as well as those motivational influences that will push him/her to do his/her best beyond the call of duty and by putting his/her own life at risk he/she will be able to save others. The behavior of a military serviceman is further strengthened by the legislation that regulates the engagement of Defence Forces in the so-called "hot points" during an emergency situation and/or a state of war in order to protect the country and its population. These and other facts give us the right to classify military service under risky professions.</p> <p>In the work presented by me, you will meet the personal characteristics necessary for a military serviceman to receive an appropriate education, to advance in his/her military career, and to go through a difficult and stressful professional path. Unfortunately, not so rarely, the society does not quite understand the responsibilities and obligations of a military serviceman. On the other hand, at the beginning of the professional path, the individual understands and analyzes quite well that in general, it is the values and credits of both the defence system and the armed forces that make the military science more dignified, attractive and great as a professional occupation leading the true military serviceman to be a real professional of his/her activity.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 NEXUS OF DISINFORMATION, ATTRIBUTION, AND ESCALATION: UNRAVELING THE COMPLEXITIES OF CYBER OPERATIONS AND WARFARE2024-12-24T11:41:35+04:00Salome<p>The nexus between disinformation, attribution, and escalation in cyber operations and warfare is a complex issue that poses unique risks to populations worldwide, especially vulnerable communities. This abstract provides a glimpse into the intricate web of interactions between disinformation, attribution, and escalation in the realm of cyber operations and warfare, with a specific focus on the ongoing Russian-Ukraine conflict. In an era where information is wielded as a potent weapon, understanding the dynamics of how false narratives are propagated, the challenges in accurately attributing cyber attacks, and the implications for the escalation of hostilities is crucial. The paper explores the multifaceted role of disinformation as a strategic tool, employed not only to deceive adversaries but also to manipulate public opinion and sow discord. It delves into the complexities of attribution, highlighting the hurdles in identifying the true originators of cyber operations amidst the use of proxies and sophisticated techniques. Furthermore, the study underscores the pivotal role of accurate attribution in preventing unintended escalation and miscalculations that may arise from misinterpreted actions. By examining the interplay of these elements, especially in the context of hybrid warfare, the abstract emphasizes the global implications of the nexus, extending beyond the immediate conflict zones. The research advocates for comprehensive strategies that integrate technological advancements, international cooperation, and a nuanced understanding of the geopolitical landscape to effectively address and mitigate the challenges posed by disinformation, attribution, and escalation in contemporary cyber warfare. It is crucial to analyze data, provide knowledge, and advocate for regulatory processes to protect vulnerable populations.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 FOREIGN POLICY SINCE THE 90S2024-12-24T11:50:13+04:00Nikoloz<p>This is an exploratory study which reviews Russia's foreign policy from the 90s to the present day. Three theoretical perspectives studying Russia's foreign policy are reviewed in detail. The review shows that the existing theories cannot adequately explain Russia's foreign policy towards Georgia well. The study suggests that Ontological Security Theory (OST) can be a better tool to study Russia’s foreign policy towards Georgia and the rest of the paper is used to explain different versions of the theory and provide empirical validation for the use of OST.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 APPROACHES TO HOLOCAUST EDUCATION: ENHANCING DEMOCRATIC COMPETENCES THROUGH SURVIVOR TESTIMONIES, VIDEO GAMES, AND INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES2024-12-24T11:52:36+04:00Tatia Mardaleishvilibibliography@sciencelib.geNino<p>Teaching about the Holocaust is essential for fostering democratic competences such as critical thinking, empathy, and an understanding of human rights. This education prompts students to reflect on the dangers of prejudice, discrimination, and unchecked power, helping them appreciate the importance of protecting democratic values like equality, justice, and respect for diversity. The handbook Learning From The Past, Acting For The Future advocates an interdisciplinary approach that integrates Holocaust education with human rights and intercultural education. This approach enables students to connect past atrocities with present-day issues, emphasizing the need for action against human rights violations and resistance to populist rhetoric. By examining the Holocaust through the lens of human rights, students are better prepared to contribute to democratic and intercultural societies where every individual can live with dignity. By examining effective strategies such as analyzing survivor testimonies, exploring Holocaust representations in video games, and utilizing immersive tools like the iWalk app, this article demonstrates how educators can enhance student engagement and understanding. The integration of these approaches not only makes the Holocaust more relatable but also equips students with critical thinking, empathy, and a commitment to democratic values.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024"RASHISM" - THE MYTH, OR THE NEW SEVERE, ESOTERIC CHALLENGE FOR EUROPEAN SECURITY?2024-12-24T11:55:48+04:00Shalva<p>A bloody war is going on in Ukraine, almost in the middle of Europe. In connection with the mentioned war, the term Rashism, which is an expression of Russian fascism, is mentioned more and more often in the world press and scientific societies. The purpose of the present study is to identify the mentioned issue and determine whether this concept is used only superficially, or if it actually has esoteric prerequisites and similarities with fascism and Nazism, which destroyed the whole of Europe, in the 20th century? For this purpose, taking into account the relevant experience, an analysis of the Russian propaganda system was carried out and a particularly important area for research was determined: the political-philosophical basis of propaganda - a set of doctrines developed by Alexander Dugin. Among the objects of research, the theory of “Noomakhia”, presented by Dugin as a new philosophical direction, was especially important. The term “Noomakhia” means the “wars of minds”. At the same time, was performed a content analysis of the materials, related to Dugin's political orientation and his interest in esoteric teachings, taken from the world's scientific and open media sources. After summarizing the obtained results, it was revealed that the main ideological vector of the modern Russian propaganda machine is aimed at the demonization of the so-called "collective West"; In this case, Dugin's political philosophy has a fundamental role. However, at the same time, the roots of Dugin's teachings are deeply rooted in occult, Nazi, and fascist, Nordic, pagan teachings. Based on the above-mentioned issues, it was concluded that Rashism is not a myth. It is just a serious threat to European and world security.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 WAR, ITS ESSENCE AND SPECIFICITY2024-12-24T11:57:35+04:00Zurab Samkharadzebibliography@sciencelib.geGivi Sanadzebibliography@sciencelib.geRamaz<p>In the paper, the hybrid war is considered as an exclusively geopolitical phenomenon, which is not defined as a whole in the paradigms of other studies. In the article, the problem is studied within the methodology of geopolitical realism. The author believes that the essence of hybrid war is a set of actions aimed at destroying all the main geopolitical spaces of the opposing society, that is, its absolute destruction, carried out simultaneously in all main types of geopolitical spaces. The paper identifies the main technologies of hybrid warfare and its main actors. The author expresses his point of view on the ways of struggle, which is carried out through acts of hybrid war against the state.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 MANAGEMENT AS A DETERMINING FACTOR IN THE EFFECTIVENESS OF INNOVATION MANAGEMENT2024-12-24T12:01:38+04:00Givi<p>Innovations are a key factor in competitiveness but are accompanied by risks such as technological failures and unpredictable market reactions. Effective risk management helps organizations minimize threats, stimulate creativity, and maintain long-term success by ensuring a balance between innovation and risk.</p> <p>This study analyzes the relationship between risk management and innovation management effectiveness. By evaluating how organizations can balance innovative efforts with the need for risk management, the paper emphasizes the importance of implementing risk management strategies to enhance innovation outcomes. Special attention is given to how risk management helps companies make strategic decisions, build an innovation culture, and effectively cope with challenges in competitive and market instability conditions.</p> <p>Risk management in the context of innovation plays a crucial role in the successful implementation of innovation projects. Innovations, by nature, are associated with uncertainty and risks that can significantly affect their success. The risk management process includes identifying, assessing, mitigating, and monitoring various types of risks—technological, financial, market, and organizational. This process helps organizations not only minimize potential threats but also effectively leverage opportunities arising from these risks. The article discusses key stages of risk management and how they can be integrated into innovation processes to ensure the successful implementation of projects and achieve long-term growth and competitive advantages.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 OF GEORGIA AND INFLUENCE OF KARABAKH CONFLICT ON REGIONAL SECURITY2024-12-24T12:07:10+04:00Khvicha Khozrevanidzebibliography@sciencelib.geGiorgi<p>In 2020, the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia broke out again in Nagorno Karabakh. Consequently, there were a number of battles due to worsening situation. Both sides try to get military advantage by getting their “allies” involved into the battle.</p> <p>A level of Importance of neighbor states’ positions into that conflict was too high, especially Russian Federation and Turkey who were concerned as sides of conflict. Those two states were actively involved with political and military power in Karabakh’s war.</p> <p>Result of this war vas vitally important to South Caucasian states’ regional security and future in general.</p> <p>There was an assumption if the war had continued for a long, South Caucasus would have become a hot spot in region. Also, it’s being considered that situation was tensioned in the Middle East as well which might have had affected on situation in our region.<br>As I mentioned above, besides Armenia and Azerbaijan there were two neighbor countries Turkey and Russia, considered as conflict sides. They were trying to take advantage in that conflict and spread their influence in region more. It must be underlined that Russia got a good chance to re-activation in Caucasian region. For that Karabakh war was one of the best chances. However Turkey’s position was counter wise and against Russia’s will to get more influence over Caucasus. Turkey had its own interests in Region and tried hard to use this conflict to weaken Russia’s positions and spread its own.</p> <p>It’s important to mention that Georgia’s position as a neutral state was quite different from involved countries; therefore, Georgia’s interests were different from Turkey’s and Russia’s goals. Personally for Georgia, Russia’s influence is a huge disadvantage because RF has occupied more than 20% of Georgia.</p> <p>Georgia came up many times with a message to cease fire and solve conflict peacefully.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 MODEL FOR IMPROVING SECURE COMMUNICATION AND EFFICIENCY IN WANET NETWORK2024-12-24T12:31:08+04:00Nani Arabulibibliography@sciencelib.geVladimer Adamiabibliography@sciencelib.geKamal<p>Wireless Ad Hoc Networks (WANETs) are decentralized, dynamic networks that operate without fixed infrastructure, making them essential for scenarios like disaster recovery, military applications, and mobile IoT. However, their flexibility comes with significant challenges, including security vulnerabilities and resource inefficiencies. Addressing these challenges requires a holistic approach that balances robust security with operational efficiency.</p> <p>This thesis introduces a novel mathematical model designed to enhance secure communication and improve the efficiency of WANETs. By integrating lightweight cryptographic techniques with dynamic routing algorithms, the model mitigates key vulnerabilities while optimizing performance metrics such as throughput and latency. Simulation results validate the model's effectiveness, demonstrating improved network resilience against attacks, reduced power consumption, and enhanced communication reliability. This research contributes to the foundational understanding of secure and efficient WANET operation, paving the way for further advancements in this critical area.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES2024-12-24T12:48:55+04:00Giorgi Dolidzebibliography@sciencelib.geIrine<p>This paper explores the major factors that hinder the resource management process, which is critical to the development of defence institutions. An effective defence resource management (DRM) process enables coordination, synchronization and integration of defence activities; provides resilience in dealing with uncertainties; supports rational decision-making; and enhances future control capacity. This facilitates the translation of short-, mid-, and long-term defence plans into concrete budgets. The authors argue that several factors have a significant negative influence on success of DRM process, such as the absence of a comprehensive strategic policy framework, the lack of data-driven analysis, and the failure of budgeting tools within the planning, programming and budgeting system (PPBS).</p> <p>An effective security and defence policy framework with clear priorities is one of the key prerequisites for DRM, ensuring that resources are directed toward building the capabilities required to achieve national security goals. Ambiguity around the major strategic areas creates essential challenges, as not having a robust future vision is the same as not knowing where to go. Furthermore, a strategic security policy framework sets the priorities not only for defence but also for social, economic, and foreign policies, ensuring that resource allocations align with broader national objectives.</p> <p>Another critical factor hindering success of the defence resource management process is the lack of an organizational capacity to gather, analyze, and strategically exploit an enormous amount of information, which is crucial for rational decision-making, optimal resource allocation, and adaptation within a rapidly changing security environment. In today’s digital age, the challenge for defence planners is not only a shortage of data, but rather the opposite: the ability to manage, evaluate, and analyze vast amounts of data.</p> <p>Finally, the failure to adopt successfully PPBS was an additional factor challenging DRM processes in the defence institutions of post-Soviet legacy countries. This system was considered a fundamental strategic management tool that could improve resource planning processes within these organizations. However, its adoption and implementation faced significant problems that have limited its effectiveness in improving budgeting processes.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF WAR: HOW SOCIETY SHAPES WAR NARRATIVES2024-12-24T12:52:43+04:00Sophiko<p>This article explores the complex nature of war as a social phenomenon and analyzes how society shapes the narrative of war. Using the theoretical framework of social constructivism, the article demonstrates that war narratives are not merely a collection of objective facts but rather social constructs shaped by various factors.</p> <p>The study identifies the main factors contributing to the formation of war narratives, such as propaganda and enemy image creation by the political elite, selective coverage and emotional influence by the media, cultural factors (history, religion, traditions), and the influence of various social groups (family, peers, social organizations).</p> <p>The article examines four main types of war narratives: heroic, victim, just war, and dehumanization narratives. It analyzes how each narrative portrays the parties involved in the war, the causes and consequences of war, and the moral dimension of war. It shows that the type of narrative influences public attitudes towards war, support for it, mobilization, and motivation.</p> <p>Furthermore, the article discusses in detail the social consequences of war narratives. It demonstrates that narratives can both strengthen and weaken social cohesion, deepen social inequality, normalize violence, and cause psychological trauma.</p> <p>The research findings emphasize the importance of the critical analysis of war narratives to better understand the social dimension of war, its impact on society, and the prevention of its consequences.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 PROFESSIONALS AND INCLUSIVITY IN THE WORKPLACE2024-12-24T13:06:13+04:00Konstantine<p>The importance of professionals in an organization cannot be overstated. They should benefit the organization, society, and themselves by creating goodwill and wealth for the company, developing others, and building a strong and qualified work environment. To stay relevant and up-to-date in their work, professionals should engage in Continuous Professional Development (CPD), which can include attending workshops, training courses, conferences, self-directed and online learning.</p> <p>Personal values such as equality, valuing others, and fairness are crucial for people professionals as they approach their work. Ensuring equality in the workplace is vital, as is valuing others, which can help build positive relationships among co-workers. Fairness ensures that all employees have the same opportunities and access to resources and opportunities. Management should establish rules for discussions and provide a method for presenting ideas, ensuring that all employees understand what is expected of them and how they can contribute.</p> <p>Employees may voice concerns about ethical standards or regulations, such as instances of discrimination or harassment in the workplace. To address such concerns, organizations should have whistleblowing policies in place that provide employees with a safe and confidential means of reporting such issues.</p> <p>Incorporating ethical principles into Human Reassures (HR), Learning and Development (L&D), Organizational Development (OD) practices in the workplace is known as ethical people practices. Organizations have a responsibility to treat employees with dignity and respect, viewing them as a valuable resource. One way to address the shortage of diversity in the workforce is to implement diversity and inclusion programs that include workshops, training, and recruitment processes aimed at increasing diversity. Additionally, measures such as flexible working hours and cultural celebrations can promote diversity and inclusion within the workplace.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 ROLE OF BLOCKCHAIN IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DIGITAL ECOSYSTEM2024-12-24T13:09:27+04:00Giorgi<p>The digital ecosystem is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements that enhance communication, commerce, and innovation. Originally linked to cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology is now revolutionizing numerous industries by delivering secure, transparent, and efficient systems. Its decentralized structure removes intermediaries and ensures data integrity, positioning it as a crucial element of contemporary digital infrastructures.</p> <p>This paper explores the core principles of blockchain, including decentralization, immutability, transparency, and smart contracts. Decentralization reduces risks associated with single points of failure, while immutability ensures data accuracy. Transparency allows for public verification of transactions, promoting accountability. Smart contracts streamline processes by automating tasks, minimizing human errors, and removing the reliance on intermediaries.</p> <p>Blockchain’s applications in finance, healthcare, supply chain management, and education are discussed. In finance, decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms are revolutionizing traditional services. In healthcare, blockchain improves data security and interoperability, while in supply chains, it enhances traceability and reduces costs. In education, blockchain offers secure credential verification, reducing administrative burdens.</p> <p>However, blockchain faces challenges, including scalability, regulatory uncertainty, and environmental concerns. High energy consumption of certain consensus mechanisms and fragmented regulatory frameworks hinder its broader adoption. Addressing these issues is crucial for blockchain’s continued growth.</p> <p>Looking forward, the fusion of blockchain technology with artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) is set to open up innovative possibilities for automation and efficient data management. The rise of decentralized applications (dApps) further highlights blockchain's potential to enhance security and user control over data. Blockchain provides substantial potential for driving innovation, enhancing efficiency, and ensuring transparency across multiple industries. By overcoming challenges, blockchain can drive the evolution of the digital ecosystem, creating a more secure and inclusive digital future.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024 INTELLIGENCE, ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS, FUTURE TRENDS AND CHALLENGES2024-12-24T13:11:41+04:00Levan Nikoleishvilibibliography@sciencelib.geThornike<p>Artificial intelligence has somehow become the force that has transformed various sectors, including the military. Moreover, AI technology has revolutionized the military with its ability to rapidly process large amounts of data, make decisions, and analyze complex patterns.</p> <p>Analyzing the question of how it is used and what ethical norms exist in military structures is not an easy task, because artificial intelligence components are supported by the defense sector in many directions - autonomous weapons and vehicle systems, intelligent command and control systems, predictive maintenance performance, logistics and maintenance services. , cyber security, intelligence and surveillance, decision support systems, simulations and training, artificial intelligence applications and more. We have already discussed these issues in detail in the main part of the book, analyzed and discussed all the relevant issues related to the introduction, use and development of artificial intelligence technologies.</p> <p>The development of artificial intelligence has raised hopes of bringing great benefits, which can be reflected on the one hand in the Internet of Things (IoT), a huge set of capabilities, such as unmanned surveillance and targeting, health monitoring of soldiers, situational awareness and other critical applications. The trend is that decisions in future wars will require seconds, minutes, or even hours rather than days and weeks. This implies that the operational environment should be analyzed. By using artificial intelligence and machine learning, rapid information can be delivered to the frontline, which also means rapid decision-making. The Internet of Military Things is known to encompass many different tools, from battlefield sensors and weapon systems, to surveillance, intelligence, communications, wearables, and sensors on ships, aircraft, tanks, and the body. These tools collectively share an unprecedented amount of information in real-time during the war. The success of this issue depends on the ability to collect and store huge amounts of data from thousands of devices. However, a much more problematic issue is to quickly understand this information and deliver results to the fighters so that said information is useful and can be used.</p> <p>Ethical norms for the use of artificial intelligence differ from general ethical standards, artificial intelligence is more automated and scalable than most other processes, roles also include ethical risks - risk mitigation, legal risks reduction, human discrimination reduction, etc.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+04:00საავტორო უფლებები (c) 2024